By Dr. Ahmad Kazemi
With the victory of Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian in the 14th term of the presidential elections in Iran, the efforts of the fake and affiliated movement of Pan-Turkism to claim his victory have entered a new phase. After the confirmation of the candidacy of Dr. Pezeshkian, who has served five terms representing the noble people of Iran from Tabriz, Azarshahr, and Esko in the Iranian parliament, a coalition of Pan-Turanist, Pan-Turkist, and Pan-Azerbaijani groups based in America, England, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Turkey, through internet trolls and the cyber army of these countries, and by using some domestic networks, tried to ethnicize the election atmosphere and highjack this Iranian national figure and falsely affiliate him to the Pan-Turkism movement. In this regard, seven points can be proposed and explained:
First: The intentional tolerance of the Islamic Republic of Iran in dealing with ethnic propaganda during the presidential election campaigns, regardless of whether it was good or bad, was done to create electoral enthusiasm and increase participation. This created a baseless impression that the treacherous Pan-Turkism movement had a space for their actions against Iran, but this opportunity ended with the conclusion of the elections. It is no secret that Pan-Turkism has its roots in English Pan-Turanism, which aims to divide Iran and destroy all Iranian values, which are the crystallization of the values of all the Iranian peoples. Therefore, contrary to the idea of Pan-Turkism, one of the results of the 14th election is the revelation of new dimensions of the ethnic conspiracies of the enemies of Islamic Iran, which necessitates new and more serious measures to counter it.
Second: Dr. Pezeshkian, with a wealth of executive records and experience, representation in the Majlis (Parliament), active participation in the 8-year war imposed on Iran by the toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and his role as a teacher of Nahj al-Balagheh , is a son of “strong Iran”. Future developments will show that Pan-Turkism will be affected more during his term than in other periods. One example of “supporting the rights of ethnic groups and minorities” emphasized by Dr. Pezeshkian is the support of their identity and cultural rights. Today, under the influence of English Pan-Turanian sedition and with the cooperation of Baku and Ankara, the proud Iranian Azerbaijani identity is under an unprecedented attack to transform into a “non-Iranian Turkish and Turanian” identity. In this process, although ethnic origin has not and does not have an effect on major decisions in Islamic Iran, if we look at the issue even for a few minutes through ethnic lenses, it can be said that many ideas, plans, and actions against related anti-Iranian ethnic currents, including pan-Turkism, were adopted and carried out by these proud Iranian Azeris. It has been found that, contrary to the calculations of Pan-Turks, ethnic unity”for Iran” and “for the elevation of Iran” will continue to be stronger during the period of Dr. Pezeshkian. . For this reason, during the campaigns of the 14th presidential election, many people who are called “Iranshahri” by Ottomon-rooted Turanshahri Movement” stood up to support Dr. Pezeshkian. Protecting this identity necessitates serious measures against Pan-Turkism and its affiliates.
Third: In contrast to the noise of the discredited media of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the victory of Dr. Pezeshkian will not change the fundamental policies of Islamic Iran regarding dealing with NATO’s Turani Corridor (fake Zangezur Corridor), opposition to border and geopolitical changes, non-recognition of the so-called “Turkic countries” organization, and Tehran’s neighborhood policy with Baku and Yerevan. Baku, desperate to implement the fake Zangezur Corridor for its internal purposes and in accordance with its Pan-Turkic nature, needs to ethnicize the victory of Dr. Pezeshkian. However, if Turkey, the leader of the so-called “Turkic countries” organization, knowing the future of the new regional order and the role of Iran, Russia, and China in it, waits and asks for membership behind the doors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, it is unlikely that the Aliyev family, aware of Dr. Pezeshkian’s record and the decision-making cycle in Iran’s Islamic system, should not realize that Iran’s red lines regarding the Caucasus will not change under any circumstances. As the leader of the Islamic Revolution said in his meeting with Nikol Pashinyan on May 22, 2024 “Our late president was very sensitive to the border issues related to Armenia and the events surrounding this matter, and these sensitivities and cares should still be considered.”
Fourth: President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, like the leaders of many countries in the region, congratulated Dr. Pezeshkian on his victory and invited him to visit Baku. It is suggested that the Aliyev family, show their goodwill for relations with Iran during Dr. Pezeshkian’s term, and now that they have obtained the privilege of buying a large land and a luxurious embassy building in Tehran during the term of the martyred president, take some steps before this visit takes place: 1. By putting aside the hatred of Iranians and Iranian Azeris, they should cancel the iron blockade of the land borders, in place for three years based on ridiculous excuses, to establish people-to-people relations between all Iranians, including Azeris and the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2. By officially abandoning the fake Zangezur Corridor conspiracy, fulfill their obligations to implement the “Ares Passage” as part of the “Middle Corridor” international transportation project. 3. Pay off their previous debts and obligations, including the construction of the Khoda-Afarin Dam, military purchases, etc., and end the sabotage against Iranian properties and institutions in Baku, and stop the systematic anti-Shia process and support for the activities of separatist nationalists and anti-Iranian demands on the soil of this country, including in the city of Shusha.
Fifth: From 2020, with the occurrence of the second Karabakh war project, the destructive effects of Pan-Turkism’s related currents have entered a new phase to alienate the Azeris of Iran. The second Karabakh War project is considered the first step of British sedition to create the so-called Turkish world through the implementation of NATO’s Turanian Corridor and in the form of the idea of British Pan-Turanianism, with the aim of establishing the Anglo-Saxon order in the Caucasus and the surrounding areas of Iran. Based on this, the Pan-Turkism movement in Iran has been given a mission to transform the “noble and authentic Iranian Azerbaijani identity” into a “non-Iranian Turkish identity”, to create the foundation and path of joining the so-called “Turkish world” of English, which has an anti-Iranian function in all cultural, political, ideological, security, energy, and economic aspects. For this reason, while the previous theorists of this movement have works titled Azeri language, this movement now denies the Azeri language to Turanize the Azerbaijani identity and claims that they are Turks, not Azeri or Azerbaijani. The Pan-Turkism movement considers Dr. Pezeshkian’s term an opportunity to carry out this British sedition. This approach proves that the Pan-Turkism movement is not only an amalgam of ignorance and illiteracy, but due to its dependence and effort to change the identity roots of Azeris, it is an amalgam of “treason and lack of identity” that will always anger the dear people of Iran.
Sixth: The media outlets of countries like Azerbaijan and Turkey, which tried to introduce ethnic discourse into Iran’s presidential elections, unlike Iran, are facing deep ethnic faults that will plague them sooner or later if they do not change their practices. Instead of pursuing ethnic illusions, these countries should model the integrity of elections, the trustworthiness of people’s votes, the type of free and transparent participation and competition, and the absence of election engineering in Iran’s elections. Contrary to the propaganda of such anti-minority countries with a history of ethnic cleansing, Islamic Iran, based on Islamic teachings and the fundamental principles of human rights, is one of the leading countries in respecting the rights of minorities and ethnic groups, which form a “unified historical nation” called “Iran”. Article 13 of Iran’s Constitution emphasizes the rights of religious minorities, and Article 19 states: “The people of Iran, regardless of their ethnicity or tribe, have equal rights, and color, race, language, etc. will not be a reason for the privilege.” The provisions of the Iranian Constitution not only show serious attention to the principle of non-discrimination, emphasized by international human rights documents in the definition of minorities, but also emphasize the three principles of protection of “the existence of minorities”, “no deprivation” and “no forced absorption”. The defeat of the idea of boycotting the elections and the participation of all Iranian classes in the 14th presidential election, which is an achievement for the “Iranian Islamic model of progress”, is also the objective crystallization of these principles. In fact, minorities and ethnic groups, like the historical process and past experiences, have always been an opportunity for Iran, and the mischief of the enemies in this field will create serious costs against them.
Seventh: As the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said in his message on the occasion of the warm and enthusiastic participation of the Iranian nation in the elections, “after the brilliant and unforgettable work of the nation in facing the man-made uproar of boycotting the elections, which the enemies of the Iranian nation set in motion to induce despair and impasse, now is the time of cooperation and good thinking of all for the progress and increasing dignity of the country, and the effort of the elected president to reach high and bright horizons by using the many capacities of the country, especially the young, revolutionary, and faithful human resources. ”Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian has promised to avoid factionalism and partisanship “for the sake of the people of Iran”, the implementation of which is one of the requirements of “a strong Iran”. The developments of the 14th presidential election showed that “Strong Iran” needs a new plan to deal with Pan-Turkism and seditious ethnic movements supporting a “disintegrated Iran” and protect the honor, authority, and national interests of the country against extravagances and petty seditions of the NATO mercenaries in the region; and of course, it will be an honor for the history of Iran that this new plan will happen during the presidency of Dr. Pezeshkian, a son from Azerbaijan, Iran; someone who has already represented the noble and history-making people of Tabriz in the Iranian parliament for many years.
The End
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